Strijkkwartet C-dur
By Bob Hanf
July 1934
First performance
Mar 16, 2015 performed by Utrecht String Quartet at the Uilenburg Concert in Bethaniƫnklooster in Amsterdam
July 1934
Mar 16, 2015 performed by Utrecht String Quartet at the Uilenburg Concert in Bethaniƫnklooster in Amsterdam
In his early years, Bob Hanf received drawing lessons from the legendary George Breitner. While studying in Delft he became friends with writers Hendrik Marsman and Simon Vestdijk. Hanf studied violin with Louis Zimmerman and played under the baton of conductor Martin Spanjaard. He later turned to composing. His varied oeuvre of unpublished works was discovered just a few years ago, rescued from oblivion.
by Eleonore Pameijer