Bidasari (Treue Liebe)
By Paul Seelig
Faithful love
1. Bidasari
2. Ken tambuhan
3. Jatim nustapa
German translation by R. Brandstetter
Originally published by Matatani, Bandung
Faithful love
1. Bidasari
2. Ken tambuhan
3. Jatim nustapa
German translation by R. Brandstetter
Originally published by Matatani, Bandung
Paul Seelig lived most of his life on the island of Java, but he made trips to Europe, America, Australia, Japan and Siam. He had a music business in Bandung. In his music he combined Eastern and Western elements. He developed into a renowned composer and was programmed at the Wiener Festwochen and many other venues. During the war he remained on Java, at that time Dutch territory, while his other family members lived in the Netherlands. In 1943, he was interned in a camp where he died on June 12, 1945. Many of his manuscripts and compositions were lost.
by Henk Mak van Dijk