Declamatorium voor solisten, koor en ensemble
By Carel Jacobs
Written for the 50th Anniversary of the 'Volkssanatorium' in Hellendoorn - Words by rev. D.A. Vorster
Part I Sanatorium
Part II The outside world
Part III Awakening
Part IV Cure
First performance
Jun 13, 1952 Volkssanatorium Hellendoorn, reviewed in 'Dagblad Tubantia' on 14th June 1952. Performed by mixed choir Soli Deo Gloria Nijverdal, Wieb de Wit-de Rook (soprano), Jaap Stroomenbergh (recitant), Tanja Blijdenstein-Tausson (harp) and a chamber orchestra with members from the Overijssel Philharmonic Orchestra (Enschede), conducted by the composer.