By Henriëtte Bosmans
June 1917 - E major
Metzelaar, H. Zonder muziek is het leven onnodig; Henriëtte Bosmans (1895-1952) een biografie. 2002, Walburg Pers Zutphen p. 28
June 1917 - E major
Metzelaar, H. Zonder muziek is het leven onnodig; Henriëtte Bosmans (1895-1952) een biografie. 2002, Walburg Pers Zutphen p. 28
Before the war, Henriette Bosmans already enjoyed a well-established reputation in Dutch musical life, especially as a pianist. During the war she was not allowed to appear in public and had to support herself with underground house concerts. Her considerable oeuvre includes orchestral works, chamber music and many songs.
by Helen H. Metzelaar