Catena musicale
By Sem Dresden
For seven solo instruments (Fl. Ob. Cl. Bsn Vl. Vla Vlc) and solo soprano and orchestra
Commissioned by the ‘Nederlandse Orkeststichting tot beheer van het Concertgebouworkest’
For seven solo instruments (Fl. Ob. Cl. Bsn Vl. Vla Vlc) and solo soprano and orchestra
Commissioned by the ‘Nederlandse Orkeststichting tot beheer van het Concertgebouworkest’
Despite his German-oriented teachers, Sem Dresden felt attracted early on to modern French music. He developed his own refined and sober style, composing his entire life. Dresden was of pivotal importance to Dutch musical life, working as a choral conductor and director of the conservatories in Amsterdam and The Hague. His legendary composition classes had a major impact during the interwar period.
by Geert van den Dungen