Forbidden Music Regained

Leo Smit Stichting
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De weg naar de hel is met goede voornemens geplaveid

By Marius Flothuis

Incidental music
Piano (pf)
location of manuscript archive registration number 351/111


The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Ballet by Lenie Sternheim


About Marius Flothuis

Marius Flothuis

Marius Flothuis led an eventful life. Early on, he was politically aware and left-wing orientated. He lost his job at the Concertgebouw Orchestra on his refusal to register with the Kultuurkamer, a regulatory cultural agency installed by the German occupying forces during World War II. He was arrested for his resistance work, imprisoned in Camp Vught and deported to Sachsenhausen in 1944. Meanwhile, he continued composing and survived the hardships. In the postwar Dutch and international music worlds he held numerous positions.

by Joyce Kiliaan