Forbidden Music Regained

Leo Smit Stichting
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2695 results, showing 61 - 70
  1. Konzertetüde

    Franz Weisz 1924

    101944 Op. 3 No. 2
  2. Konzertetüde

    Franz Weisz 1918

    101941 Op. 1 No. 2
  3. Konzertetüde

    Franz Weisz 1913

    101940 Op. 1 No. 1
  4. Caprice

    Martin Spanjaard 1924

    101715 1
  5. Saxofoonkwartet

    Leo Smit 1939

    102768 arrangedment by Bob Zimmerman (2021) of the unfinished string quartet by Leo Smit
  6. Forlane et Rondeau for orchestra

    Leo Smit 1958

    100072 Orchestration by Godfried Devreese (1958) and Bob Zimmerman of two movements of the Suite for piano 7
  7. Sonate voor Viool en Piano (A gr. t.)

    Samuel Schuijer

    101121 Sonata for violin and piano (A major) + part catalogue application number 60 C 93 Den Haag 17
  8. Zes voordrachtstukjes

    Israel Olman 1914

    102763 1. Vertelling 2. Herinnering 3. Romance 4. Scherzo 5. Ter kerke 6. Feestklanken
  9. a tfile fun a ghettojid

    Bertus van Lier 1948

    101094 Prayer of a ghetto jew (Jeff Hamburg made an arrangement for mezzo and chamber orchestra) Words by Kwiattkowska 7
  10. Artis suite

    Hans Lachman

    101681 Artis is the Amsterdam Zoo 1. Kamelen (camels) 2. Roofdieren achter tralies (predators behind bars) 3. Volière (aviary) 4. Gazellen (gazelles) 5. Reuzenschildpad (Galápagos tortoise) 6. Brilslang (Indian … 13